Our Approach
Leaderskill’s mission is to help people in all types of organisations relate to each other more effectively, find meaning and purpose in their work and contribute to the success of their organisation as well as the future of our planet.
We use feedback as the starting point for development; to heighten self-awareness and insight, and to set a direction for professional growth that is both meaningful and relevant. Participants often describe the profound impact the feedback has had on their development – sometimes years after their initial experience.
In all cases, our aim is to increase participants’ ability to use leadership skills in all areas of their work and lives. This builds not only better organisational culture but better communities and, ultimately, our society. These skills are not exclusive to people in leadership roles; they are important for all people in all aspects of our lives: home, friendships, local communities and broader national and international governance.

Director and Founder

Dylan Forbes
Dylan co-created with Ronald Forbes, "Start-up Mega Planning", an accessible approach to strategic planning that puts society and the environment first, based on the work of long-time friend and colleague, the late Emeritus Prof. Roger Kaufman.

Dr Ronald Forbes
“The continuous challenge to explore and put into practice every discovery that can help people communicate and organise effectively together for the benefit of themselves, society and the environment.”