360s developed with industry experts
Health Service 360s
Cutting-edge feedback surveys that focus on clinical leadership and health service capability frameworks.
Public Sector 360s
Feedback surveys based on State and Federal Government leadership capability frameworks at all levels.
Education 360s
Feedback for developing academic leadership and supporting student learning on tertiary courses, such as MBAs.
360s for Health Leadership
For more than 20 years, Leaderskill has worked closely with health experts to develop feedback surveys that focus on the specific development needs of people in all areas of health. These organisations are often high-pressure environments where people from diverse professions need to work together effectively to get results for service users.
Leaderskill’s health service 360-degree feedback surveys focus on health capability frameworks and clinical leadership:
- 360 feedback aligned with the NSW Health Leadership and Management Framework (HLMF).
- 360 feedback aligned with Health LEADS Australia.
- Feedback surveys that emphasise leadership for safety and quality.
- Feedback mapped with the Nurse Executive Capability Framework (NECF).
- Foundational/aspiring leaders.
- Clinical leaders.
- Middle level leaders.
- Senior leaders and executives.

Public Sector Capability Framework 360s
State and Commonwealth governments in Australia have been at the forefront of innovating leadership capability frameworks to support all employees in developing their skills to the levels required to deliver high-quality service.
Leaderskill has worked with government organisations to create 360-degree feedback surveys and development resources specifically aligned to these capability frameworks:
- NSW Public Sector Capability Framework.
- Other State Government capability frameworks.
- Australian Public Service Integrated Leadership System (ILS).
360s for Education
Feedback for University Students
In 1999, when 360-degree feedback was still in its infancy, Leaderskill partnered with the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) and UNSW Sydney to provide students undertaking MBA and other programs with high-quality online feedback to focus their development on their courses. We have since worked with universities across Australia to support students in maximising their learning.
- MBA, Master of Management, Graduate Certificates, Change Skills.
- Short courses in leadership and management.
Academic Leadership
For more than 20 years, Leaderskill has partnered with universities in Australia, New Zealand and Canada to provide feedback essential for academic leaders to develop their professional and leadership skills.
We have a range of 360-degree feedback surveys that we have used with participants in university-led development programs:
- Next generation/early career leaders.
- Middle and senior-level leaders.