Robust feedback for Leaders
Leadership is crucial for team and organisational performance. It encompasses the behaviours that we all need to lead ourselves and relate effectively with others to reach meaningful outcomes. That is why Leaderskill’s Leadership 360s form the core of our suite of feedback surveys, spanning all levels of an organisation from emerging leaders through to the executive team.
Developed closely with our clients over decades, our Leadership 360s are state-of-the-art feedback tools with comprehensive development resources that ensure participants receive the information they need to build on what they already do well and focus their ongoing development.

Proven feedback models
Leader/Manager 360s
Leaderskill's Leader/Manager™ 360s are research-based and have over 30 years of continued development and use internationally. These surveys centre around key behaviours to enable people and deliver on the task, with a focus on both the present and future.
4-Focus Feedback
Founded on an industry-standard leadership model that extends through four core domains of 'self', 'people', 'organisation' and 'system/business', our 4-Focus surveys are easily understood and used by participants to focus their development.

Leaderskill's Leadership 360s
- The feedback models are comprehensive, extensively researched and continually developed to provide the best experience for participants.
- The 360 surveys come complete with comprehensive development resources to support individual learning and ongoing coaching conversations.
- The feedback easily integrates with your organisation’s own development approach.
- We have versions of 360s for use at every level of your organisation, from emerging leaders to the executive team.
- We use our unique needs-based feedback scale which provides immediate indication of what respondents need from the participant. The feedback is easier to give and receive and is perceived as comprehensive and fair.
- Our leadership 360s can be mapped with your own capability frameworks or tailored to your needs.
- All our 360 degree feedback surveys are hosted on our easy to use, dedicated 360 Facilitated® platform and are fully supported by our service team.
Leader/Manager Styles™ Self-Assessment
The Leader/Manager Styles™ Personal Insight Tool helps participants reflect on their preferred style(s) as a leader/manager. Do they focus more on people or the task? Do they think more about their current deliverables or future capability? Participants also learn which other styles they might need to develop to perform well in their roles.
The Leader/Manager Styles™ is included as an additional, instantly downloadable self-assessment resource with all our Leader/Manager 360s. It can also be used as a stand-alone insight tool for participants on leadership programs where it provides clear direction for participants’ development.
A ‘Team Styles’ version of the tool is also available to encourage learning and discussion about different preferred styles within a team as well as opportunities for better collaboration between members.